Eagle Riders 1771

Eagle Riders is a group of Fraternal Order of Eagles member motorcyclists who promote the Eagles and its causes, while doing something that they love – riding motorcycles, however it is not necessary to own a motorcycle to be part of our group.

Our group will be involved in aerie and auxiliary functions, charity rides, fundraisers, and local, state and international charity programs supported by the Fraternal Order of Eagles.

Eagle Rider News

Eagle Rider Meetings are the 2nd Saturday of the month at 11am.
Bike Night is the 2nd and 4th Wed of the month during ride season.  Depart Eagles @ 6p.

This years summer trip will be to Bardstown, Ky June 22-24, 2023

Eagle Rider Officers

Contact Eagle Riders: eagleriders1771@gmail.com
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eagleriders1771

Rex Patton


Brandon Patton

Vice President

Sheri Patton


Bonnie Hartwell


Phil Birkla

Road Captain

Todd Smith

Road Captain